Individual Awards

National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA):

Interscholastic League Press Conference (ILPC):

Staff Awards

National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA):

  • Pacemaker Award; The ReMarker

  • Pacemaker Award; Focus Magazine

Interscholastic League Press Conference (ILPC):

Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA): 

  • Gold Crown Award; The ReMarker




Individual Awards

National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA):

Staff Awards

National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA):

  • Pacemaker Award; The ReMarker

  • Pacemaker Award; Focus Magazine

Interscholastic League Press Conference (ILPC):

  • 4A In-Depth News/Feature Package: “Trashed”; Focus Magazine - Second Place

  • Distinguished Merit Award; The ReMarker

Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA): 

  • Gold Crown Award, The ReMarker

  • Gold Crown Award, Focus Magazine